Name *

Date of Birth *

Phone Number *

Home Address *

Marital Status *

Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number *

Source of Referral *

Reason You Are Looking for Services *

On (or applying for) any type of disability/workers comp (SSI/SSD): *

Are you experiencing suicidal ideation? *

Are you experiencing homicidal ideation? *

Any current or past alcohol abuse? *

Any current or past drug abuse? *

Previous psychiatric hospitalizations? *

Any legal history? *

Are you looking for medication management, talk therapy, or both? *

Who is your Primary Care Physician? Please include location and phone number. *

Please list any medications you are currently taking (name, dose, and prescriber). *

Primary Insurance *

Insurance ID number *

Insurance Group number *

Name of Primary Insurance Card Holder *

Primary Card Holder Date of Birth *